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📢 以下资源由百度网盘用户[lan****ke3]于2022-10-15分享(文件数量过多时只展示部分文件)
【名言精讲第26句】富兰克林细心准备I_ .mp317.99MB
【标准领背第62句】I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure.png1.34MB
【标准领背第62句】I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure.mp3901.46KB
【标准领背第61句】And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves.png1.34MB
【标准领背第61句】And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves.mp3855.75KB
【标准领背第60句】We are all in the gutter.png1.65MB
【标准领背第60句】We are all in the gutter.mp3453.72KB
【标准领背第59句】The mind is not a vessel to be filled.pdf472.19KB
【标准领背第59句】The mind is not a vessel to be filled.mp3471.28KB
【标准领背第58句】Even if youre on the right track【微信:36903863,微信:36903863,微信:36903863】.mp3461.07KB
【标准领背第58句】Even if you're on the right track.pdf474.37KB
【标准领背第57句】In order to be irreplaceable.pdf459.46KB
【标准领背第57句】In order to be irreplaceable.mp3447.19KB
【标准领背第56句】The more difficult the victory.pdf473.98KB
【标准领背第56句】The more difficult the victory.mp3381.89KB
【标准领背第55句】Good sportsmanship goes beyond the game.png1.54MB
【标准领背第55句】Good sportsmanship goes beyond the game.m4a312.26KB
【标准领背第52句】What we do is less than a drop in the ocean_【微信:36903863,微信:36903863,微信:36903863】.mp3553.32KB
【标准领背第51句】Being hardworking is the best thing you can show children.mp3438.62KB
【标准领背第50句】I think that I should have known that he was magic all along.mp3927.6KB
【标准领背第49句】When everything seems to be going against you.mp3555.36KB
【标准领背第48句】There is no such thing as an ugly woman.mp3534.54KB
【标准领背第47句】If you don’t design your own life plan.mp3602.7KB
【标准领背第46句】Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything.mp3521.48KB
【标准领背第45句】Courage is not the absence of fear.mp3584.34KB
【标准领背第44句】Death’s stamp gives value to the coin of life.mp3630.87KB
【标准领背第43句】Change will not come if we wait for some other person.mp3678.21KB
【标准领背第42句】What gets us into trouble is not what we dont know【微信:36903863,微信:36903863,微信:36903863】.mp3537.4KB
【标准领背第41句】Life is a festival only to the wise-.mp3459.03KB
【标准领背第40句】Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it_.mp3427.6KB
【标准领背第39句】Without a compelling cause, our employees are just.mp3667.19KB
【标准领背第38句】Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition.png1.34MB
【标准领背第38句】Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition.mp3478.62KB
【标准领背第37句】When written in Chinese,the word 'crisis'.png1.32MB
【标准领背第37句】When written in Chinese,the word 'crisis'.mp3659.03KB
【标准领背第36句】Education is the ability to listen to almost anything.mp3545.97KB
【标准领背第35句】Music expresses that which cannot be put into words.mp3516.17KB
【标准领背第34句】Any man worth his salt will stick up.png1.11MB
【标准领背第33句】You cannot swim for new horizons.mp3482.3KB
【标准领背第32句】Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers.mp3547.6KB
【标准领背第31句】Anyone who has never made a mistake.png1.92MB
【标准领背第31句】Anyone who has never made a mistake.mp3474.95KB
【标准领背第30句】You ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from..mp3486.38KB
【标准领背第29句】Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.mp3433.72KB
【标准领背第28句】If you want to know what a man's like.mp3536.58KB
【标准领背第27句】The further you get away from yourself.mp3555.36KB
【标准领背第26句】By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.mp3429.23KB
【标准领背第25句】The true measure of a man is how he treats someonev【微信:36903863,微信:36903863,微信:36903863】.mp3538.21KB
【标准领背第24句】Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take.mp3500.25KB
【标准领背第23句】 I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit’_.mp3585.15KB
【标准领背第22句】Don’t be content with doing only your duty.mp3588.01KB
【标准领背第21句】Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable.mp3494.54KB
【标准领背第20句】 I've learned that people will forget what you said.mp3580.25KB
【标准领背第19句】The only thing you really have in your life is time.mp3677.4KB
【标准领背第18句】Beware of little expenses.mp3472.09KB
【标准领背第17句】Whether you think you can, or you think you can't_.mp3475.76KB
【标准领背第16句】The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight.mp3469.64KB
【标准领背第15句】Success is not final; failure is not fatal.mp3536.58KB
【标准领背第14句】To catch a husband is an art.mp3553.32KB
【标准领背第13句】It is always incomprehensible to a man.mp3514.13KB
【标准领背第12句】The unexamined life is not worth living.mp3401.07KB
【标准领背第11句】There is a great man who makes every man feel small.mp3631.68KB
【标准领背第10句】I’ve been lucky. Opportunities don’t often come along.mp3515.36KB
【标准领背第09句】A great many people think they are thinking.mp3519.03KB
【标准领背第08句】Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist.mp3499.03KB
【标准领背第07句】 The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement【微信:36903863,微信:36903863,微信:36903863】.mp3495.76KB
【标准领背第06句】It's not what you look at that matters.mp3454.54KB
【标准领背第05句】Obstacles are those frightful things you see.mp31.01MB
【标准领背第04句】The amount of good luck coming your way.mp31.01MB
【标准领背第03句】A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure.mp31.13MB
【标准领背第02句】Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions.mp31.07MB
【标准领背第01句】Educating the mind without educating the heart.mp31.04MB
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