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专辑名称:THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE 半血王子 歌手名称:庆怜 CAELAN 制作发行:白米范(北京)文化传播有限公司 发行日期:2024年05月17日 专辑语言:国语 专辑介绍: THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE,是尚未完全的自我,庆怜用这张专辑向每一位听众展示他正在走的路,年轻且还需成长,进步而不惧向前。 半血,是庆怜正在经历的一场始于心脏、途经全身,是【旧】时与【新】生血液过渡转换的过程,但这一切并不是抛却过去,而是在创造一个更加多样的自我。 东方西方的交融,赋予庆怜的是更加大胆的理念和狂想,不同的语言在耳边回荡,不同的文化在眼前展开,正因为这些多元且未知的可能性,才让庆怜更加清楚的知道,对于现在的自己,【新】与【旧】从来不是选择题。 这一刻,站在【新】与【旧】之间的庆怜,恰如其分地拥有了两面,一面是对旧的重塑,另一面则是对新的着迷,一面是拥抱过去理解每一个自己,一面是继续向前探索新的世界,现在的他,还在路上,还需寻找,还要完善。 这张专辑,是庆怜正在开启的未来,身份、道路、选择,多种组合衍生出全新的冒险,热爱、成长、变化,都将在THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE里找到新的答案。 Ch1. Call to Adventure 传送门 离开“安全屋”,内心升腾着关于冒险的火焰,过渡、生长、破局、突围,这里的一切都是因为渴望而凝聚出的众生相,安静内敛的外表下,包裹着太多天马行空的想象,无数种未来的可能,一切的未知都在前方,少年回应着渴望,迈步迎向想要冒险的自我。 01. You 关于你 直白的记录着一些人和事,再度回想,即便是温暖愉悦外壳里隐匿的偏执,现在看来哪怕不够完美但也闪着柔和的光,开始明白,时间带来的不是斩断过去,而是轻松的接受过往。 02. MISSION (Like Us) 使徒 没有人比我们自己更清楚自己的使命,所以不要因为一路上的质疑和冲突改变初心,任何人的偏见都不足以让我改换决断,不论是回击还是包容,持续向上本身就是最好的意志侵略。 03. Out of My Way! 无可阻挡 当你意识到自己真正想要什么的时候,你才会发现,其实很多负担都可以丢掉,所以,别在乎那些目光,也别压抑天性中的洒脱骄纵,尽情释放独属于你的稳定温柔吧,享受你的生活,一切都在路上! 04. Leap of Faith 信仰之跃 痛苦是一个巨大的坑洞,慌不择路的人深陷其中,顺其自然的人无法自拔,所以我们需要的是勇敢走出下一步的自己,在理智和清醒的引导下继续向前,这会是你刻入骨血的气度特征。 Ch2. The Hero's Trial 试金石 背负压力,面对质疑,即便如此也敢于向未来开火,一路上总会有不同的声音,但理解不代表妥协,血脉里隐藏的不稳定因素有着专属于自己的骄傲,他会催促你,用自己的方式走出一条愈发清晰的路。 05. Round & Round 绕啊绕 对于这次相遇,已经分不清是现实还是梦境,但源自心脏的活力、朝气,让眼中的世界蒙上一层红色,这一刻,浓郁色彩带来的亢奋则成为长久以来从不褪去感官反应,对于她的渴望早就突破纬度的隔阂;这一刻,想要做的就是和她一起,不顾一切地在世界中一圈又一圈奔跑,一次又一次大闹。 06. Ms. Communication 心意相通 语言会说谎,但身体不会,所以无需语言,熟悉的节奏足以让我们心灵相通,逐渐升温的血液,眼底潜藏的渴望,愿意做任何事只为了让你属于我,希望下次你需要的时候能想起我。 07. Scars 伤疤 学会了接受所有人的质疑,那些教训,祝福,麻烦,伤疤,都是向前轨迹上一堂堂写实的课程,但顺从畏惧从来不是解决之道,以后的路,依旧要大胆的向前跑。 08. Tonight (Album ver.) 夜 不稳定因素激增,危险又摇曳的氛围再度升级,更放肆的舞动,更大胆地摇摆,“新”的荷尔蒙宣泄开始在夜晚弥漫开。 Ch3. Odyssey Awaits 下一征程 不要问接下来是什么,未来永远带着迷雾,要问你是否想要继续向前,如果准备好了,那就再往下一站吧。 09. Medusa 美杜莎 我们都曾付出所有,只是希望能够挽回曾经美好的一切,但有些离别终究无法避免,一瞬间,心脏就像被美杜莎变成了石头,失去你,他也不再跳动。 10. I DO (Album ver.) 我愿意 I DO,是继续向前的承诺,也是像每一个关心自己的人证明,哪怕经历了时间的打磨,但自己却从未改变,会如初识一般,去冒险,去创造,去感动,去相信爱。 11. Home 家 Home,是爱的汇聚地,是羽翼未丰时的避风港湾,在这里我学会飞翔,也是因为这里的陪伴才让我敢飞往远方,所以无论经过多久,只要你需要,无论在哪,我都会回到你身边。 THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE is an album that showcases Caelan's ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth. It represents a transition from the past to the present, integrating Eastern and Western influences to create a more diverse identity. Half-blood symobolizes the transition between old and new blood, but it's not about discarding the past; rather, it's about creating a more diverse self. Standing between the old and the new, he embodies a duality of remembrance and fascination, understanding his past while continuing to explore the future. This album marks the beginning of Caelan's future adventures, where love, growth, and change converge to find new answers. Ch1. Call to Adventure Leaving the "safe house," sparks of adventure ignite. Within, transition, growth, breakthrough—longing materializes. Beneath calm exteriors, wild imaginations thrive. Countless future possibilities beckon. Youth embraces longing, stepping towards their adventurous self. 01. You Reminiscing on the past, even hidden paranoia within a warm exterior now glimmers with a gentle light, imperfect yet illuminating. Time doesn't sever the past but brings an easy acceptance of it. 02. MISSION (Like Us) Trust in our mission, for no one understands it better than us. Let doubts and conflicts not sway our original resolve. No bias will shake my determination. Whether in resistance or acceptance, relentless forward momentum asserts our will most effectively. 03. Out of My Way! Discovering your true desires can alleviate many burdens. Maintain your inherent gentleness while embracing carefree indulgence. Enjoy life—it's all part of the journey! 04. Leap of Faith Pain is a deep pit, ensnaring the panicked and paralyzing the passive. To break free, we must courageously leap forward with reason and clarity, shaping our essence with each step. Ch2. The Hero's Trial Under pressure, amidst doubts, still daring to march forward. Along the journey, diverse voices arise, yet comprehension doesn't equate to concession. The inherent instability in one's lineage bears its own pride, illuminating a distinct path forward. 05. Round & Round In this encounter, reality blurs with dreams, yet the vibrant energy pulsating within me paints the world crimson. The exhilaration of vivid hues transcends distance, igniting an unyielding desire to be with her. All I crave is to run wild by her side, heedless of consequence. 06. Ms. Communication In any language, miscommunication is inevitable, but our bodies speak without error. Rhythm binds our souls, with blood warming and desires gleaming in our eyes. I'd do anything to make you mine, hoping you'll think of me when you need me again. 07. Scars Learning to accept everyone's doubts, those lessons, blessings, troubles, and scars, are all vivid courses along the trajectory of progress. But yielding to fear has never been the solution. In the future, continue to boldly run forward. 08. Tonight (Album ver.) As uncertainty grows, danger lurks in the air, intensifying the already wild atmosphere. People dance more recklessly, letting loose with newfound energy as night falls. Ch3. Odyssey Awaits Don't ask what the next destination is, for the future always carries mist. The question to ask is whether you want to continue moving forward. If you are ready, the Odyssey is awaiting ahead. 09. Medusa We have all invested all hope in the possibility of reclaiming what was once beautiful, but some goodbyes are inevitable. At this moment, the heart feels like it has been turned into stone by Medusa. Without you, it ceases to beat. 10. I DO (Album ver.) "I DO" signifies a promise to moving forward, a testament to self-care, proving resilience despite time's passage. It's a vow to keep exploring, creating, inspiring, and loving fervently. 11. Home "Home" is where love gathers, a sanctuary in times of growth. It's where I learned to soar, fueled by the companionship that gives me courage to venture far. Time may pass, but I'll always return to your side, wherever you may be, whenever you need me. 专辑曲目: 01 - You 02 - MISSION (Like Us) 03 - Out of My Way! 04 - Leap of Faith 05 - Round & Round 06 - Ms. Communication 07 - Scars 08 - Tonight (Album ver.) 09 - Medusa 10 - I DO (Album ver.) 11 - Home 在线试听: https://music.163.com/#/album?id=196120138 https://y.qq.com/n/ryqq/albumDetail/002JRIAs2PrwcU
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