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专辑名称:爱情一阵风 歌手名称:李权哲 制作发行:发现梦想 发行日期:2021年12月29日 专辑语言:国语 专辑介绍: 爱情一阵风 一.这张唱片的主题: 竟然是歌咏爱情和青春。想不到吧?只不过这吟游诗人有点多情有点渣,而这青春恐怕也是仅有贺尔蒙过剩但情怀不算太单纯。翻译成你们最喜欢讲的Vibe大概就是:用极浪漫的音乐糖衣包裹着人类行为的不确定。 『爱情亲像一阵风 来无影去无踪  乎我笑容乎我悲伤 乎我怨叹在心中 』 二。这张唱片可能的目的: 这样说好了,你本来是个文青,打算把那些你在电影里看到的,小说里读到的人生金句都写进你歌词里。而的确有效,你的文青歌迷认出你跟他们是同一路的,真好。 然后李权哲可能某天发现,我猜啦,这些狗屁根本都不重要,音乐想表达的应该就是音乐本身,情歌听了就会湿,不是因为引用了罗兰巴特,就象是最烂的电影里所有演员总是被导演逼着讲一堆对白,而不肯用画面来交代现在到底发生什么事。 综观这张专辑里的歌要不就是很直白,没有一丁点你想挖掘的隐喻,若听起来隐晦不明的那些歌,就是真的没有想告诉你什么。 甚至有首歌他在正式版本里还把歌词咕哝着唱,因为听清楚太烦了,你根本就没在听音乐快承认吧。歌词可能在他的工具箱里,是店門口挂着一颗羊头,吆喝着你进来听音乐,吃狗肉。 你们还是忍不住想问这首歌在讲什么? 难道你不就是因为不想听别人讲话才听歌的吗? AI-CHING Jerry Li Ai-Ching=Love 1. Theme of a Record Called "AI-CHING" Love. Youth. You say: Yeah, OK, whatever. But know this: beyond that, there is something real happening here. Something more than just hormones and "impure" thoughts." There is a true vibe beneath the smooth, sugar-coated shell of these songs, a vibe that cuts to the deepest of all human joys and insecurities. Love's like a gust of wind…it has no shadow, it leaves no mark It makes me smile, it makes me sad, it make me sigh with blame in my heart 2. "AI-CHING." The (Likely) Motivation Behind a Record. Or…let's put it this way. There's always the latest young, hip singer. Sees all the cool films, reads all the cool books, and writes all the "clever" lyrics. Yeah, this is it, say hipster fans. This is our story. (Please.) This is just a guess on my part, but I think with AI-CHING, Jerry Li wanted to make something more than empty BS. To me, this is his take on music: we make it to make ourselves feel. A good love song should throw you into ecstasy – or despair. No need to name-check Roland Barthes, or the latest cookie-cutter film or book that "defines a generation." No need for fancy platitudes for people to regurgitate as slogans. A good love song is about that hard-to-define true vibe, where scenes and images – not words – drive the story. Action, motion…emotion. That's Jerry Li's game, to serve it up straight. No twisted metaphors to dig through. No obscure lyrics murmured in half-embarrassment. The jaded will probably say we don't need another record about love. Whatever…Jerry Li ain't listening. He's just doing what Bruce Lee tells us: "Don't Think, Feeeeel!" 专辑曲目: 01.今晚有空吗? 02.迪斯科可九 03.翻译给我听(宝贝) 04.BlueMonday 05.康明 06.孤单女孩 07.芭比娃娃 08.台风要来了 09.我爱你是一辈子的事
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