制作发行:Evolution Ltd.
Singer-songwriter Chlara releases the first studio album Unstoppable, with a name so telling of the 12 radio hits in the album. With the Switzerland based producer Adrien Zerbini, Chlara produced this list of cool, engaging pop originals, featuring tracks like the endearing You Complete Me, a secret love letter to Chlara’s big time crushes Daniel Padilla and Migz Haleco; Unstoppable, a refreshing pop alternative for your playlists; And which girl doesn’t dream of a perfect guy to end the hunt for Mr. Right? – Chlara says it all to her Perfect one on the track Perfect U N Me. Plug in your ear buds and let this talented young lady blow you away with her sweet charm and refreshing tunes.
1 Unstoppable
2 You Complete Me
3 Perfect You and Me
4 Take Care (Duet with Kennard Faraon)
5 Me With You
6 What We Have is Love
7 Come Find Me
8 Can't Have Me Now
9 Do You
10 Bliss
Bonus track:
11 You Complete Me (Acoustic Version)
密码: 54ix
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