英语启蒙动画 全1000集《English Singsing》

  • 发布时间:
    2025-02-24 08:31:45
  • 文件大小:
    共计 100 个文件,合计:1.63GB
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English Singsing是一套美国最新最经典的专门针对2-10岁儿童设计的美式英语口语教学视频。视频以儿童情景对话、儿歌学习、小故事讲解、词汇拓展等多种形式, 让儿童边听边模仿边学习,在快乐中学习地道美式英语...
📢 以下资源由夸克网盘用户[大气*黄瓜]于2024-07-14分享(文件数量过多时只展示部分文件)
【1000集全】英语启蒙动画English Singsing1.63GB
001 Prologue - Ready ready! - English.mp431.87MB
002 Go straight - English animation m.mp49.64MB
003 Hello! - English animation music .mp410.82MB
004 Sorry, stop it! - English animati.mp48.36MB
005 Are you okay - English animation .mp47.99MB
006 How's the weather - English anima.mp410.48MB
007 Harder, faster, better! - English.mp411.09MB
008 Homesick - English animation musi.mp410MB
009 I'm a policeman - English animati.mp46.97MB
010 What's she doing - English anima.mp412.53MB
011 To the Zoo! - English animation .mp411.77MB
012 Your Talent - English animation .mp49.42MB
013 Look at the sky! - English anim.mp411.95MB
014 What day - English animation mus.mp412.22MB
015 Girls Girls - English animation .mp410.77MB
016 [Age] How old are you - Easy Dia.mp415.12MB
017 [Age] How old are you - Exciting.mp417.68MB
018 [Age] How old are you I'm five y.mp46.6MB
019 [Can] Happy birthday! Can you sw.mp49.78MB
020 [Caution] Watch out! Are you oka.mp44.63MB
021 [Color] It's green and white - E.mp49.26MB
022 [Color] What color is it It's re.mp43.7MB
023 [Congratulation] Happy birthday .mp416.23MB
024 [Congratulation] Happy birthday!.mp415.93MB
025 [Count] How many bears - Easy Di.mp423.7MB
026 [Count] How many tigers - Exciti.mp419.53MB
027 [Counting] How many bears Three .mp410.76MB
028 [Day] What day is it today It's .mp45.89MB
029 [Exclamatory sentence] What a bi.mp47.32MB
030 [Exclamatory sentence] What a wo.mp46.15MB
031 [Greeting] Good afternoon. Nice .mp45.17MB
032 [Greeting] Good afternoon. Nice .mp411.6MB
033 [Greeting] Good morning - Exciti.mp413.8MB
034 [Greeting] Good morning. How are.mp43.83MB
035 [Greeting] Good morning. How are.mp48.94MB
036 [Greeting] How are you - Excitin.mp412.5MB
037 [Have] Do you have crayon - Easy.mp415.87MB
038 [Have] Do you have crayon Do you.mp47.52MB
039 [Have] Do you have crayons - Exc.mp420.38MB
040 [Imperative sentence] Put on you.mp43.19MB
041 [Imperative sentence] Put on you.mp47.13MB
042 [InOnUnder] Where is my cap I do.mp43.7MB
043 [InOnUnder] Where is my pencil I.mp44.22MB
044 [Invitation] Help yourself. May .mp46.08MB
045 [Liking] Do you like cheese - Ea.mp423.49MB
046 [Liking] Do you like cheese Yes .mp411.3MB
047 [Liking] Do you like pizza - Exc.mp411.89MB
048 [Liking] I like baseball - Excit.mp418.38MB
049 [Liking] I like soccer. Let's pl.mp47.97MB
050 [Liking] l like soccer - Easy Di.mp417.41MB
051 [Look like] What does she look l.mp47.2MB
052 [NEW] 1. Greetings, Introduction.mp421.47MB
053 [NEW] 2. Talking About Hobbies (.mp444.06MB
054 [NEW] 3. What do you want to be .mp441.18MB
055 [NEW] 4. Introducing Family from.mp432.21MB
056 [NEW] 5. Expressing Regret (Engl.mp451.32MB
057 [NEW] 6. Expressing Happy Feelin.mp433.89MB
058 [NEW] 7. Discipline. Giving Advi.mp426.17MB
059 [NEW] 8. Selecting a Topic (Engl.mp438.7MB
060 [NEW] 9. Preparing for a Math Ex.mp441.92MB
061 [NEW] 10. Fun Science (English D.mp453.03MB
062 [NEW] 11. Imagining the Future W.mp429.47MB
063 [NEW] 12. Pronunciation Practice.mp453.3MB
064 [NEW] 13. Good-Bye (Sending a Go.mp436.61MB
065 [NEW] 14. Symptoms of a Cold (En.mp439.57MB
066 [NEW] 15. At the Art Museum (Eng.mp434.31MB
067 [NEW] 16. Lost Item (English Dia.mp425.96MB
068 [NEW] 17. John’s Daily Life (Eng.mp422.29MB
069 [NEW] 18. Pajama Party Welcoming.mp442.53MB
070 [NEW] 19. Pets - Comparison Expr.mp432.12MB
071 [NEW] 20. Shoe Store (English Di.mp426.18MB
072 [NEW] 21. Welcome to My House (E.mp428.92MB
073 [NEW] 22. Conversation on Fashio.mp421.86MB
074 [NEW] 23. Asking for Permission .mp432.77MB
075 [NEW] 24. Cooking for Parents (E.mp424.38MB
076 [NEW] 25. Understanding One’s Cu.mp436.04MB
077 [Order] May I take your order An.mp45.39MB
078 [Order] May I take your order I'.mp43.45MB
079 [Past tense] How was your summer.mp411.59MB
080 [Past tense] What did you do We .mp47.34MB
081 [Possessive] Whose bike is this .mp46.11MB
082 [Present progressive] What are y.mp411.98MB
083 [Present progressive] What are y.mp45.57MB
084 [Present progressive] What's he .mp45.44MB
085 [Price] How much is it - Easy Di.mp426.19MB
086 [Price] How much is it It's five.mp412.45MB
087 [Price] How much is this pencil .mp415.55MB
088 [Subject] What's your favorite s.mp45.92MB
089 [Suggestion] Let's go camping. -.mp46.5MB
090 [Suggestion] Let's put up balls..mp44.84MB
091 [Telephone Conversations] Can I .mp48.02MB
092 [Telephone Conversations] May I .mp46.17MB
093 [this & that] What's this What's.mp49.04MB
094 [thisthat] What's this - Easy Di.mp419.54MB
095 [ThisThat] What's this What's th.mp413.76MB
096 [Time] What time is it Time for .mp45.13MB
097 [Time] What time is it We're lat.mp43.58MB
098 [Toothache] What's wrong I have .mp43.87MB
099 [Weather] How's the weather - Ex.mp413.28MB
100 [Weather] How's the weather rai.mp415.18MB
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