表演者: T-Pain
流派: 放克/灵歌/R&B
专辑类型: 单曲
介质: 数字(Digital)
发行时间: 2011-03-22
出版者: JIVE Records
Nappy boy (hey) pretty boy
Nappy boy (hey) pretty boy
Turn up the bass, turn up the treble,
I'm about to take you to a whole another level
DJ turn off what you're playing,
I want the whole club to hear what I'm saying
Because this girl means so much to me,
And now we're on the floor and she touchin' me
And if I wanna take her home
It's gotta be better than what they do on the radio
It's gotta be the crunkest
It's gotta be the loudest
It's gotta be the best, the best love song she's ever heard in her life
I gotta tell her how I feel
I gotta let her hear, the best love song she ever heard in her life
No need for me to write it, I just gotta picture her smiling,
And if you feel that way, go ahead and kiss your baby
Now we've got the whole stadium in love like yeah
Turn up the lights, give me a mic
I'm bout to sing it to her just how she likes
Jump off the stage bombs away,
Crowd surfin' all the way cowabunga
You know it's right, just do the wave
Girl just move your body like a snake
And if you wanna get with me
Put your hands in the air, show me that energy
It's gotta be the crunkest
It's gotta be the loudest
It's gotta be the best, the best love song she's ever heard in her life
I gotta tell her how I feel
I gotta let her hear, the best love song she ever heard in her life
No need for me to write it, I just gotta picture her smiling
And if you feel that way, go ahead and kiss your baby
Now we've got the whole stadium in love like that
Homie kiss your girl
Shorty kiss your man
We can see you on the kissing cam
Please show me some love
Show me some love
Now look her in the eye, say baby I love you
I never put no one above you
And if you feel that way
Go ahead and kiss your baby
And now we've got the whole stadium in love like
And if you feel that way
Go ahead and kiss your baby
And now we've got the whole stadium in love like
├─T-Pain(蹄髈) .-.《Best Love Song (Single)(高歌情白雪)》.单曲专辑.
T-Pain(蹄髈) .-.《Best Love Song (Single)(高歌情白雪)》.单曲专辑.[FLAC].rar26.22MB
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