Barnacles removal, Meeresschildkröten retten, Seepocken von Meeresschildkröten entfernen, ASMR.mp4272.28MB
Barnacles Removal, save the poor sea turtle from parasites on a rainy day nature, animals, ASMR.mp4192.48MB
Barnacles scream when removed Rescue sea turtle from barnacles with out tool, nature, ASMR.mp4286.23MB
barnacles secretes white cement that causes the turtle shell to get fungus barnacles removal, ASMR.mp4296.35MB
Guy Helps Sea Turtles By Removing Barnacles From Their shell rescue sea turtle, nature, ASMR.mp4286.3MB
Horseshoe Crab Stuck On His Back Gets Help Removing Barnacles on sea animals, sea turtles, ASMR.mp4281.61MB
How to rescue sea turtle from barnacles and plastic removing barnacles on sea turtles, sea animals.mp4210.61MB
Lucky beautiful sea turtle were rescued and removed tons of barnacles on shell rescue sea turtles.mp4372.01MB
Lucky sea turtle were rescued in time to remove barnacles and the net clinging to the shell.mp4298.97MB
Make Your Day Satisfying with A Sea Spa Service, Barnacles Removal, Rescue Sea Turtles, Removal.mp4350.66MB
Make Your Day Satisfying with A Sea Spa Service, Rescue Sea Turtle, Barnacles Removal, Removal, ASMR.mp4324.56MB
Make Your Day Satisfying with A Sea Spa Service, rescue sea turtles removing barnacles from turtles.mp4261.92MB
Make Your Day Satisfying with Ocean C, removal barnacles, sea turtles rescued the hard way.mp4327.89MB
Make Your Day Satisfying with Ocean C, sea turtles scream when rescued from nets, removal barnacle.mp4302.68MB
Mission Sea Turtle Rescue All About Sea Turtles and How Save Them, sea turtle removing barnacles.mp4225.32MB
Monsters barnacles eat away at the shells of sea turtles, horseshoe crab, whale barnacles removal.mp4318.37MB
O M G The head of a baby sea turtle that interferes with the rescue removes giant barnacles on shell.mp4417.87MB
poor sea turtle bit me when I tried to rescue it from f net and remove ton of dead spines from shell.mp4318.84MB
Poor sea turtle rescued from the coastal rocks removing barnacles on sea turtles, nature, ASMR.mp4274.44MB
Poor sea turtles can't swim and live without removing barnacles that are clinging to shell.mp4386.94MB
Process of Removing Barnacles from baby sea turtle rescue the shells that are corroding everyday.mp4349.01MB
Removal barnacles on sea turtle, rescue sea animals sea turtles.mp4269.18MB
Remove barnacles from seaturtles sea turtles rescue Quitar percebes a las tortugas marinas, animal.mp4293.85MB
Remove barnacles on shell of the beautiful green sea turtle rescue it from parasites.mp4342.7MB
Remove Hundreds of strange creatures living on sea turtle shells, turtles can't swim with parasitic.mp4303.76MB
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